How To Raise a Critical Thinker
So you want to raise a child who is a critical thinker? These tips will get you started on the right path.
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So you want to raise a child who is a critical thinker? These tips will get you started on the right path.
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Here are three reasons why you should consider learning language arts through literature in your homeschool when choosing curriculum.
If you want to use a homeschool curriculum that is based on real books, but you don’t know where to start, here are three simple ways you can begin using literature-based homeschooling.
Three Easy Ways to Get Started With Literature-Based Homeschooling Read Post »
A large part of our homeschool day includes learning through Literature-based unit studies. So how do I teach kids who can’t read very well using stories? While I could (and sometimes do) feel like a failure as a reading teacher, I have found ways to incorporate my love of books into our homeschool day with even the most reluctant of readers.
Helping Reluctant Readers Enjoy Literature-based Unit Studies Read Post »
The gifted label is kind of a misnomer. It’s not so much a gift as it is wiring – the neurological construct of a person’s brain, primed for the reception, processing, and evaluation of information at a highly efficient rate. In gifted children, the brain tends to devote an enormous amount of attention toward the development of these skills, leaving other aspects of development to the side.
3 Keys to Homeschooling a Gifted Child: Welcome to Wonderland Read Post »
Around this time of year, I’m ready to change up the homeschool routine just a little. I know we have to keep plugging away at our work, but it’s nice to add something fun, like homeschooling with Disney. One of the things we love to do is choose a book and a movie to read, watch, and compare. Literature study with movies still counts as school – and it’s fun! Download a free Snow Queen unit study.
Homeschooling with Disney: Literature Study with Movies Read Post »
May, according to the Association of American Publishers, is Latino Book Month! I am a Latina. My mother’s side of the family is Hispanic (Puerto Rican by birth and culturally Cuban), and even though I’ve always been a voracious reader, I have to be honest that I’ve been a little short on books written by Latina authors. So the researcher in me got to researchin’…
May Is Latino Book Month! Books for Homeschoolers Read Post »
Each year on April 12th, we celebrate a national day to honor reading. Even better, the whole month is often devoted to activities and events to encourage the love of reading in your children and within your family and circle of friends. The first D.E.A.R. Day was introduced in Beverly Cleary’s book Ramona Quimby, Age 8. The goal of the program is to make reading a regular part of everyone’s routine.
Ideas for Celebrating D.E.A.R. Day (Drop Everything and Read) Read Post »
Dr. Seuss has been a favorite at our house since, well, forever! His creative use of the language appealed to my husband, a theatre major in college, who enjoyed amusing our kids as he read to them while they were young. A quick Google search or a perusal through Pinterest will yield a ton of fun ideas to help you celebrate his birthday (coming up on March 2) with little ones, but you definitely don’t have to give up the party with your middle- or high-school-aged kids, either!
Celebrating Dr. Seuss Day With Your Teens Read Post »