iHomeschool Network


10 Christmas Activities for Homeschooling

10 Christmas Activities for Homeschooling

December is one of my favorite times of year to change things up and have fun veering off our normal homeschool path. That’s why we include Christmas activities in our homeschool plans whenever possible. This holiday season we’ve stayed busy with mixed media Christmas art and Christmas Around the World. Now that those projects are winding down, we can add some other things to our December homeschool mix.

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15+ Awesome Autumn STEM Activities

15+ Awesome Autumn STEM Activities

Pumpkins, cooler weather, crunchy leaves…Autumn is such a fun and exciting time of the year. Now that the heat of Summer has subsided and you’re settling into a normal, daily homeschool routine, it’s the perfect time to add in something new. Hopefully this list of Autumn STEM activities will get you and your family excited!

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Activities & Resources for Teens Interested in Engineering Careers

25 Activities & Resources for Teens Interested in Engineering Careers

The word engineer is derived from the Latin words ingeniare (“to contrive, devise”) and ingenium (“cleverness”). Today, engineering is one of the fastest growing industries in the world. In anticipation of Engineers Week next month, I’m delighted to share with you 25 activities and resources to help you teach engineering concepts to teens.

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Homeschool Textbook-Free Human Body Studies for Multiple Ages

Textbook-Free Human Body Studies for Multiple Ages

Want to learn about the human body with your kids in homeschool science this year, but dread a boring textbook approach? Or do you have multiple ages in your homeschool, and you’re looking for a way to study anatomy with all of them in a hands-on, wonder-filled way? Then save this post, because it is filled with delightful resources and projects for your next human body hands-on unit study!

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You CAN Teach Homeschool Science

Do you avoid teaching science in your homeschool? Do you delegate it to your spouse or to co-op? Many people think of science as complicated or just plain yucky. They have visions of mathematical formulas, unpronounceable names, and dissecting frogs. Science is much more than that. Science is in our everyday life. It’s all around us. You are using it and are alive because of it right now. I’m here to tell you that you CAN teach homeschool science. Not only can you teach homeschool science, but when you realize how simple science actually is, you might even grow to appreciate and like science!

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