iHomeschool Network

Top 10 Homeschooling Mistakes (And How to Avoid Them)

Homeschooling is a challenging endeavor, but you can make it harder on yourself than it has to be. Don’t fall into the trap of these common homeschooling mistakes.

1. Not getting into a solid routine.

It is so important to get into a solid homeschooling routine. This isn’t the same as a rigid, clock-based schedule. What this does mean, though, is that you create a “flow” for each day. Regardless of when you get up in the morning, try to do the same things in the same order. Your kids will know that school comes after bed making, and they’ll know that a snack will break up the morning’s school work between science and math. Kids do better when they know what to expect, so having a dependable routine will help them be more cooperative.

2. Thinking you have to do it all yourself.

You don’t have to teach every lesson yourself! Take advantage of learning activities in your area. This will help you out immensely, especially when your kids are older. Co-ops, lessons, and classes can give you and your kids a break from one another.

3. Choosing curriculum based upon the wrong things.

It’s good to get feedback from more experienced homeschoolers, but don’t choose something only because your friend uses it. Ask lots of questions to determine whether or not a curriculum will be a good fit for you and your kids.

4. Sticking with a poorly performing curriculum too long.

If you’ve used a curriculum for several weeks and it’s still not working, start looking for something that will work better. There are too many well-written, interesting programs out there to drag through one that isn’t a good fit.

5. Not taking time for self-care.

Homeschooling is just as difficult as a “real” job. Be sure to make time for you. Schedule exercise and leisure time for yourself and make it a priority.

6. Thinking your kids’ siblings are enough social interaction.

For some kids, siblings are enough. For others, they need more than just brothers and sisters. Make finding good friends for your kids important.

7. Having “school at home.”

Your school days will look drastically different than traditional schools days. Embrace the flexibility and fun that homeschooling provides and don’t lock yourself into “school at home.”

8. Worrying too much about what others will think.

You don’t have to prove anything to anyone. Relax. Plug away at your lessons one day at a time and let the results speak for themselves.

9. Accepting things from yourself you’d never accept from a professional teacher.

Long-time homeschoolers know that from time to time, you get busy. Life gets crazy and before you know it, you’re slacking on school. Don’t make excuses for yourself that you wouldn’t accept from a classroom teacher. Get back to work and take your homeschooling responsibilities seriously.

10. Thinking that homeschooling is the one and only option for happy, successful kids.

Homeschooling is one of many excellent educational models. If it’s not working for your family, you are not a failure if you choose something else. Many children are happy and successful when educated by online, private, or public schools.

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