We have only been homeschooling for two-and-a-half years. We are by far experts on homeschooling. I am happy to say that we have found one main key to successful homeschooling. I am going to share it with you. Are you ready?
Be Adaptable for Successful Homeschooling
That’s it. That is our main key. There are a few reasons for this. They include:
- Each kid is different. You need to find what teaching method or curriculum works best for YOUR children. And with this in mind…
- What is best for your children is NOT necessarily best for you. Stinks, I know. But who is more important here? The kids are. You need to do what works for them, even if it’s not what you had in mind for successful homeschooling.
- When I was a kid I hated corn and I loved peas. Now I love corn and I hate peas. As we grow we change. As our kids grow they change. Their likes and dislikes, their strengths and weaknesses, and their choices and decisions. Each year their personality may change and parents need to change with them.
- As an adult, you and I know that being adaptable and willing to make changes is not an option. Things happen every day that are outside of our control. We have to make the best of it and keep going. This applies to successful homeschooling too. If we are adaptable, our children will learn to be adaptable by our example.
How is Our Family Adaptable for Successful Homeschooling?
My first article for iHomeschool Network, Homeschooling in Mexico, was written only a few months ago. We have changed most of our curriculum since that time. The girls hit a stone wall with Moby Max, our primary source of teaching. They were both advanced in language arts. Alexis’ math lessons were getting ridiculous. (We do not like common core and Moby Max teaches common core.) Taylor did not know how to do long multiplication and division. We needed change. We have been using Moby Max the past two-and-a-half years and I am glad we did. But now it is time to be adaptable and try something different.
This is our new curriculum for successful homeschooling in our family:
- Duolingo for Schools – We love Duolingo. It made the transition with us from our old curriculum. The school part of Duolingo is fairly new. It is easy to use. I set up assignments for the girls and I can monitor their progress. Learning Spanish is important to us because we live in Mexico. Language is good stimulation for the mind too. Oh, and Duolingo is free!!
- Spelling Classroom – Taylor needs extra support with spelling despite being advanced in language arts. Weird I know, but they really are two different subjects. We are using the family package in Spelling Classroom for $25 per year for both girls. The user interface is a little complicated but once your kids get the hang of it, they will enjoy the lessons.
- Math Worksheets – We are using math worksheets from Math Is Fun. This is so much better for Taylor then Moby Max. I think it is because of her ADHD. Worksheets are hands-on projects involving pencil and paper. Taylor is a hands-on kid. Alexis grades Taylor’s worksheets and then Taylor corrects her mistakes. Alexis is refreshing her math skills. Taylor is learning long multiplication and division.
- Bible Worksheets – We love Jw.org for our Bible education. There are a variety of videos, activities, and worksheets for both teens and children. I have downloaded and saved over twenty worksheets for the girls to use. The organization continues to introduce new items monthly. If you are inclined to teach your kids about the Bible then you need to check out the resources on Jw.org.
- Arts & Crafts – All four of our kids love arts and crafts. I have really been slacking in this subject but I am determined to do better. Arts and crafts is now part of our homeschooling schedule every Wednesday afternoon. Last week we painted Matryoshka dolls or Russian nesting dolls. This week we made a family of handprint owls on canvas. Stay tuned for both projects on my personal blog. You can find that link below in my author box.
- Book Adventure – I almost forgot about this one! Every ten days the girls are required to read a book and take a quiz on it. Book Adventure has nearly 8000 book quizzes for grades K-8. Sometimes the girls don’t make their reading deadline and we give them a few more days to finish, but reading is required in this house.
Are you ready for change? If you want to be successful homeschooling, you should be. Adapt to your children and their needs. Change can bring the life back to homeschooling. It did for us. I am sure this won’t be the last time we make changes either. Our kids still have quite a bit of growing to do. As we take this journey together, let them gain an education as individuals in the best way possible.