My house is in shambles right now. My husband has decided to repaint the kitchen and while this indeed a blessing, it makes for a very very messy house. Paint dust is everywhere. Kitchen cabinet items have been placed all over–from the office to the dining room table and everywhere in between. Needless to say, it makes me feel very unorganized, and that unorganization feeling has easily extended itself to other areas–my job…my to-do list…even our homeschool. The good thing? It’s never too late to get organized!
While I usually like to start the school year organized, sometimes life just happens and you have to hit the imaginary reset button as something is not working, life gets out of hand, or maybe you never got organized to start with. Whatever category you may fall into, here are a few organization resources to help you get back on the right track. Just think, you will be organized BEFORE the new year hits, meaning you can leave that lofty goal OFF your New Year’s Resolution list next year!
7 Tips to Help You Get Organized Now
- Get a planner and use it. Not sure where to look? Here are over 100 free downloadable planners to help you get started. By the way, most 2016 planners will be coming out this month all across the internet so be on the lookout.
- Prefer digital organization? Try an app or online planner instead. I’m a big fan of Remember the Milk app and Homeschool Planet, but you may find another online planner that works just as well for you!
- Break up your to-do list into smaller chunks. Need some ideas to get you started? We use this 52 Week Organized Home Checklist to help us stay on top of our home organization throughout the year. Or, if you’d rather get it all done in a week, check out this deep cleaning checklist.
- Take a day to organize your learning space. There’s a whole slew of ideas on this pinterest board to fit all sizes and shapes of learning spaces. Whether you have a dedicated room or one shelf to organize your homeschool supplies, there are organization ideas here for nearly every organization style and space.
- Take time to evaluate, modify and/or create your homeschool schedule. Lindsey provides several different scheduling ideas on Nitty Gritty Homeschooling if you are not sure where to start.
- Create a system for storing your children’s completed work and records. Confessions of a Homeschoolers has some great record organization ideas, or if you are wondering WHAT to include in your child’s records, Angie gives a great list on Real Life at Home.
- Create a simple meal plan that works for you. My favorite meals to save time and help me get organized? Crockpot meals! However, if you would like the meals already planned out for you check out Beth Gordon’s monthly meal plans on 123 Homeschool 4 Me. She’s done all the guesswork for you!
What area do you struggle most to keep organized?
Kathy Gossen is the wife of a farmer’s son, a homeschooling mom to three beautiful girls, and an Okie inside and out. She is the author of And the Word Became Flesh, a 90-Day Chronological Journey Through the New Testament as we well as several other homeschool curriculum and resources.