What should you consider if moving to a new state? Well, if you plan to move when homeschooling, there are a lot of things to consider! Here are some of the most important ones!
Deciding to homeschool your children is a significant decision that requires careful planning and consideration. When you add the element of moving states into the mix, it can introduce additional complexities to your homeschooling journey.
Whether you’re relocating for work, family, or personal reasons, navigating the transition while homeschooling can be challenging.

In this blog article, we will explore important factors to think about when you homeschool but are deciding to move states.
Moving and Homeschooling
1. Legal Requirements
Each state has its own laws and regulations regarding homeschooling. Before you move, take the time to research and familiarize yourself with the homeschooling laws in your new state.
Find out what the requirements are for filing paperwork, record-keeping, testing, and any other obligations specific to that state. Understanding the legal framework will help ensure a smooth transition without any interruptions in your homeschooling journey.
2. Notification and Documentation
When moving states, you may need to notify the appropriate authorities about your intention to homeschool. Some states require you to submit a letter of intent or file specific paperwork with the local school district or Department of Education. I know that as homeschoolers in Pennsylvania, we had to file with our local school district annually.
Make sure you gather all necessary documents and keep copies of your previous homeschooling records, including curriculum plans, progress reports, and any standardized test scores. Having these documents readily available will help facilitate the transition and satisfy any requirements in your new state.
3. Curriculum Compatibility
Consider how your current homeschooling curriculum aligns with the educational requirements and standards of your new state. Some states have specific curriculum guidelines or subjects that must be covered. Evaluate whether your existing curriculum meets those requirements or if adjustments need to be made.
Research local resources such as libraries, museums, and educational co-ops that can enhance your curriculum and provide additional learning opportunities for your children in the new location.
4. Support Networks and Co-Ops
Moving to a new state means leaving behind your existing homeschooling community. However, it also presents an opportunity to connect with a new network of homeschooling families in your new location.
Research local homeschool support groups, co-ops, or online forums where you can find valuable advice, resources, and social opportunities for your children. Connecting with other homeschoolers can help ease the transition and provide a sense of community during this period of change.
5. Local Laws for Homeschoolers
In addition to homeschooling regulations, familiarize yourself with other local laws that may impact your experience if you’re going to move when homeschooling. Consider factors such as compulsory attendance age, truancy laws, vaccination requirements, and any specific regulations related to extracurricular activities or access to public school services for homeschoolers.
Understanding these local laws will help you navigate potential challenges and ensure compliance with all relevant regulations. It will also help keep expectations in check. If you’re used to your child participating in sports at your current location, it may be a rude awakening to discover that the new school district does not allow homeschoolers to participate. Doing research ahead of time can help!
6. Evaluating Educational Opportunities
Moving states can offer new educational opportunities for your children. Research the educational landscape of your new location, including public schools, private schools, umbrella schools and specialized programs that may be available.
While you’ve chosen to homeschool for a reason, exploring these options can provide valuable insights into the local education system and may influence your homeschooling approach.
7. Adjusting to a New Routine
Moving states often means adjusting to a new environment, routines, and schedules. Take some time to plan how your homeschooling routine will adapt to accommodate the changes in your daily life.
Consider factors such as commuting time, potential distractions in the new home, and any adjustments needed to your daily schedule. Be flexible and prepared to make modifications as necessary to ensure a smooth transition for both you and your children.
8. Emotional Support and Communication
Moving to a new state can be an emotional experience for the entire family. As a homeschooling parent, it’s essential to create an open line of communication with your children during this transition period.
Encourage them to express their feelings about the move and address any concerns they may have about continuing their homeschooling journey in a new location. Offer reassurance and provide emotional support as they adapt to their new surroundings.
By thoroughly researching and planning ahead, you can navigate the challenges of a move when homeschooling while continuing to provide an enriching experience for your children.
Remember that every move is an opportunity for growth and discovery. Embrace the adventure of relocating while keeping your children’s educational needs at the forefront of your planning process. With proper preparation and a positive mindset, you can create a seamless transition that allows your homeschooling journey to thrive in your new state.
Good luck!
Brandi Jordan is a former classroom teacher turned homeschooler. She’s also a certified youth and adult yoga instructor, personal trainer, and youth exercise specialist. When not creating things for her sites, she can be found hanging out with her three kids, hubby, and a menagerie of pets.