iHomeschool Network

Paige Hudson

Paige Hudson is an author, speaker, and homeschooling mom of two. She discovered her love of science early on, which led to her getting a BS in Biochemistry from Virginia Tech. These days, Paige and her husband share their passion for science with homeschoolers through their company, Elemental Science. You can also find her sharing tips and tools for homeschool science education at their company blogs – Elemental Science Blog and Sassafras Science Blog.

How to Foster Exploration

Every child loves to create things and mine are no exception. My guess is that yours are not either. I am always amazed at the different things my kiddos create. Although, if I am perfectly honest, sometimes I get frustrated by all the mess—I know that I am not the only one who feels this way! But I get over that by reminding myself that they are learning. You see, exploration is the purest form of learning, especially for learning about science.

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