As a writer, scientist, and homeschooling mom, my passion is to share tips and tools for homeschool science. And I do so on my podcast and our company blogs, but I am not the only one out in the cyber-sphere who shares inspiration for this subject. Today, I want to share with you all ten homeschool science blogs you can check out to glean some homeschool science inspiration.
1. Handbook of Nature Study Blog
Barb is a gem in the homeschooling world! I have been following her blog for years now and she still manages to surprise me with little nuggets of nature study wisdom. She shares posts about her nature study adventures and hosts the outdoor hour challenge. If you are considering adding nature study to your homeschool science plans, Barb’s blog is a must read!
Don’t miss this post – How to Naturally Share Nature Study with your Child
2. Eva Varga
Eva is a former scientist who brings her passion for teaching this subject into her blog posts and books. She shares lots a great tutorials for super fun science activities, plus, she also writes about different scientists and major science milestones. This is a great blog to subscribe to help you teach science in your homeschool.
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Marci shares a hodgepodge of science-related posts at her blog. She’s a former naturalist who adds a unique voice to her free printables and science resource reviews. Her blog is a considerable asset to the homeschool science world and it’s worth subscribing to!
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I regularly share teaching tips and science activities on this blog for the Sassafras twins. It’s a great place to go to learn about notebooking, living books, and how to add a bit of fun to your homeschool science routine! Plus, you don’t have to read the books to glean from the posts.
A favorite post – Living Books for Teaching Science
Cindy shares a lot about her homeschooling journey, which is largely based on Charlotte Mason’s philosophy. Her passion for teaching her children and for the outdoors shine through in her writing. This blog is another great one to subscribe to if you plan on adding nature study to your homeschool science plans.
Loved this post – Nature Study is Science
Karyn frequently shares science activities on her homeschool blog, many of which involve food! Her blog is a great one to subscribe for ideas, but the best part is when you do sign up, you get to download a free game – periodic table battleship.
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Colleen shares about science and gifted education, plus she has written several books on both subjects. She does not always write about science, but when she does, you will glean a nugget or two!
Loved this post – 4 Simple ways to fit science into your day
Trisha posts about more than just science on her blog, but she has some wonderful hands-on activities for preschoolers. Her focus is to encourage your children to learn through play, so everything on her blog looks like tons of fun to do. She is a self-professed science nerd, so you can trust that her preschool science activities are solid. If you have a little one, you need to subscribe to her inspirational blog!
Loved this post (this is an on-going series) – The A to Z Science Series
Crystal has shared such a wealth of science-related activities on her blog. If you are looking for an activity to match a topic you are studying, chances are you will find it on this blog. It is a fantastic place to visit to be inspired to add some hands-on activities into your homeschool science plan!
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10. Science Sparks
This is a wonderful blog from which to glean inspiration! It is jam-packed with ideas for hands-on science activities. I love how the they are already separated into disciplines, so you can really pick and choose what you need. This is another one of those blogs that you should subscribe to for homeschool science inspiration.
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