We’re heading into the winter homeschool doldrums. The holidays are moving behind us, the warmer weather field trips aren’t in sight. It’s starting to seem like the end of the school year is getting further away than closer. Which means, it’s a great time for you to engage the kids in activities they can do in the warmth of their own home.
Don’t get down. Instead peruse through these hands-on learning options and find something fun and fabulous for you and the kids to do this winter.
Exciting Activities for Your Kids This Winter
Water Chemistry Experiment with At Home Water Testing
Let your kids become science sleuths as they investigate the water in your home. Or, let them take samples from places that you frequent to bring home and test with this at home water testing kit.4
” It was enlightening and could easily be incorporated into a science fair project or a water STEM lesson.” – Karyn at Teach Beside Me
Teach the Art of Portrait Drawing
Portraiture is something that may seem difficult to teach in a homeschool setting. But, with Sparketh’s Portrait track your kids will learn a variety of portrait styles and you’ll be so impressed with their new-found skills.
“The Art Style Portraits track offers about 10 lessons with a few technique lessons as well. The lessons include several short videos that instruct the technique and style of the focused lesson. Together, these short videos work to build a finished piece.” – Renée at Great Peace
American Revolution Games: Battle Blitz and Liberty at Last
Teaching history can be dull, and boring. Or, you can make it fun and exciting with a hands-on history game teaching the American Revolution.
“We liked the cards in this game as they gave a little overview of the person or event. This one was fun. You never know where you are going to land and the cards were interesting to read throughout the game.” – Sheila at Brain Power Boy
Having Fun with 3D Pens for Kids
Put 3D in the palm of your kids hands. Really! Let them design and build simple toys, or sky scrapers with the touch of a pen. This liquid plastic pen is safe to use, cool to the touch, and can be used by any age level.
“Other than the pens themselves, the guide map might be my favorite thing in the kit. My son picked a project from the guide map, placed the plastic sheet over it, and got to work.” – Emily at Table Life Blog
Connect with Your Teenagers by Playing a Card Game
Quest for Arete is a simple ways for moms and dads to connect with their teens because it’s designed specifically for that age group. You’ll be meeting them on their level around the dinner table and before you know it, they’ll start to actually talk to you.
“The style of play drew my boys into this game-and into talking with me.” – Amy at Rock Your Homeschool
Case of Adventure
Teach your kids about geography with adventure stories from around the globe. But, it’s more than just a story, it’s an adventure that includes an activity pack and lapbook so your kids go from reading to hands-on seamlessly.
“It’s a new adventure series from CASE OF ADVENTURE, and Sophie absolutely loved the story – in fact she managed to read the entire book before I could, and when I was finally *allowed* to read it, she kept running up and asking me what part of the story I was on. It was adorable, really.” – Audrey at Our Good Life
Garage Band Theory
Do you believe that your kids could actually learn to play an instrument by ear? It’s true they can. Garage Band Theory helps kids to both understand that doing so is entirely possible, but that understanding the mechanics behind the music will help them to communicate their ability better.
“When I explained to my boys how Mr. Sharp relates playing only by ear refusing to read music to reinventing the wheel and then not being able to communicate with anyone about it, it struck a chord with them.” at Hifalutin Homeschooler
You see, learning during the winter months doesn’t have to look like the doldrums. It can actually be an exciting adventure where kids explore hands-on, heartfelt learning.
Tell me, what activities are you planning for your kids during the long cold winter months?
Renée Brown is a homeschooling mom to her advanced learning son, blogger, author, and she works online as a virtual assistant. She writes regularly on her blog about homeschooling an only child gifted learner, home and family life, developing and strengthening Christian marriages, and encouragement for living a Christian life.