iHomeschool Network


For over ten years iHomeschool Network has specialized in connecting companies with bloggers. Below is a small sampling of the many perfect matches we have made through blog post campaigns.

Our network is diverse enough that we can find the right fit for your company. Our bloggers apply for review projects; they are never assigned. So you can rest assured that the bloggers who partner with you don’t consider your product or service just another review but a valuable resource that will be a good fit both for their own family and for their loyal, online audience.

Our review structure is designed to maximize the power of native marketing so that your products are presented on sites where they fit best and where readers will not only see but welcome them.

At iHomeschool Network, we aim to be excellent. And our clients agree that we are!

Hope in the Chaos and Fabulingua

Hope in the Chaos and Fabulingua

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