Paradigm Accelerated Curriculum | iHN Featured Favorite

Many parents shy away from homeschooling the high school years because they feel overwhelmed with the responsibility of making a 4-year plan, creating a transcript, and planning a graduation.

Luckily there are publishers like Paradigm Accelerated Curriculum that make homeschooling high school accessible to anyone.

Your one-stop high school curriculum provider

Paradigm Accelerated Curriculum (or PAC) is a collection of print and digital curricula aimed mainly at high schoolers, but they also have some courses for 7th and 8th grades.

PAC covers the core subjects like English, Science, Social Studies, and Electives. These are high-quality courses appreciated by parents and students alike, especially for their ease of use.

“Our entire focus is producing curriculum with character development qualities and superior academics that equip students with an advantage to make wise life choices and possess high academic competencies.”

Paradigm Accelerated Curriculum

Good education starts at home, so PAC makes sure to help parents cover not only the required academic checkboxes, but they also inculcate values and morals for character development.

Each of their subjects is organized in a similar fashion, covering vocabulary terms that are clearly defined, but also positive quotes and life principles that offer opportunities for further conversation with your children.

PAC benefits

  • easy-to-use high school curriculum
  • character development embedded in the curriculum
  • easy assessments and no prep
  • flexible format
  • high school credits
  • created for independent use

Easy-to-use high school curriculum

Paradigm Accelerated Curriculum is formatted in a very flexible and easy-to-use style.

“A solid government curriculum that would not only give my kids (and me) rock solid information, but have it presented in an easy-to-learn format!”

– Aurie, Our Good Life

Paradigm Accelerated Curriculum
takes an advanced subject and makes it digestible
. The curriculum is broken down into multiple booklets. Each booklet is broken into chapters that aren’t overwhelmingly long for a high school senior. Most sections are about two to four pages. This makes reading manageable.”

– Christine, Blooming Brilliant

“If you are looking for an easy-to-implement homeschool high school government curriculum I highly recommend using Principles and Precepts of Government.”

– Heidi, It Starts At Eight

PAC requires no parent prep

This high school curriculum requires no prep from the parent and is a perfect solution for many homeschool families who feel overwhelmed by certain subjects or even by the entire prospect of homeschooling through high school. PAC also encourages student independence because of its setup.

“The easy-to-use homeschool curriculum options from Paradigm Accelerated Curriculum are a great fit for my independent learners and our busy, large-family homeschool.”

– Judy, Meaningful Homeschooling

“Paradigm Accelerated Curriculum Principles and Precepts of Government is an easy-to-use curriculum. While there is no provided lesson plan, it is broken down in an easy-to-follow format.

My high schoolers work mostly independently, so this curriculum works well for them.”

– Heather, Heather Gerwing

“It’s perfect for my Type A personality and it’s exactly what my kids prefer these days when it comes to learning. Principles and Precepts of Government is a no-fluff, to the point, senior-level government course with a structured, streamlined approach that requires little preparation and planning.[…]

Seriously, there is no guesswork here! Lesson planning and preparation don’t get much easier than this!

– Jennifer, Mama Jenn

A unique homeschool curriculum

Paradigm Accelerated Curriculum is so easy to implement because of its unique approach to learning. This curriculum not only covers the academic side but character development as well.

“If you’re looking for an open-and-go,
easy to use
government curriculum, that doesn’t sacrifice quality, you can’t miss Principles and Precepts of Government from Paradigm Accelerated Curriculum. It’s the easiest answer to all of your hard high
school dilemmas

– Tiffany, Homeschool Hideout

“Their curriculum is unique because the courses are presented in separate chapters that have accompanying activity books that walk students through the curriculum in a way that is easy to understand.

– Leah, As We Walk Along the Road

“Paradigm Accelerated Curriculum offers a high school Principles and Precepts of Government (full course kit) which gives 0.5 high school credit. This was an absolute win-win for us. Not only is he going to be getting high school credits, but he will
also actually start to understand the US government.”

– Clare, Homeschool of 1

“My first impression was that of quality and positivity.

The life principles are usually encouraging, uplifting quotes (some written by the authors themselves). I found we enjoyed discussing and analyzing them and they offered us the occasion to delve deeper into the meaning of each of these.”

– Laura, Monkey and Mom


About the author

Laura is a homeschool mom from Europe, raising a STEM-gifted boy.
Homeschooling a gifted kid is sometimes difficult, but seeing her son flourish in this environment is worth it.
Over at Monkey and Mom she wants to help homeschool families from around the world find the best materials by testing them out in her homeschool.

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