iHomeschool Network

Fun Summer Learning Ideas for Homeschoolers

Summer is fast approaching and for many of us, that means regular school lessons will end. While it’s great to have a break, kids often get very bored during the summer time. 

If you are looking for fun ways to keep your kids busy and learning over the summer you’ll love these easy to do activity ideas.

Fun Summer Learning Ideas for Homeschoolers

1. Grow a Garden

One of the easiest ways to keep learning fun over the summer is to help your kids start their own garden!

Growing your own food and flowers is so rewarding for kids, and hey if they grow it they are much more likely to eat those fresh vegetables too.

Use this list of easy to grow vegetables for kids and the garden planner to let them plan out their first garden. They will be learning lots of science and math without realizing it.

2. Study an Insect

Summertime is perfect for starting a bug study. We like to keep this simple and interest led.

To make doing bug studies easy keep some insect notebooking pages printed and ready to go for when your child finds something cool outside. Having a few good bug field guides is a big help too.

They can draw or write about what insect they found, read about it and then try to find some short documentaries online to learn more about the insects’ life.

3. Become Birders

If studying bugs isn’t your kid’s idea of fun, then have fun studying birds instead!

No matter where you live there will be many varieties of birds around you. Try building a bird house or bird feeder and placing it in your yard to attract more birds.

Make sure to keep the bird feeder full to keep the birds coming to your feeder. Take counts of how many and what types of birds come during different times of the day.

4. Take Nature Walks

Living in an area that gets long, cold winters we really try to take advantage of the beautiful summer weather for nature walks.

Getting outside for a simple nature walk every day can be very relaxing if you have a nature study tool kit ready to go whenever the mood strikes you.

Try to keep your nature walks light-hearted and fun, let your kids pick what they want to take photos of or draw. Letting them lead the study will help them find their own interests in nature.

5. Collect Sea Shells

If you’re heading to the beach this summer make sure to take advantage of all the learning experiences you can have there.

Get your kids to collect as many seashells as they can find. They can have fun sorting them by shape and studying them to find out what creature used to live in that shell.

Then have fun making craft projects out of seashells, they make lovely necklaces and picture frames.

Don’t forget looking for sea glass and small pieces of driftwood can be fun too.

6. Make Ice Cream

Sometimes it just gets too hot to be outside and that is the perfect day to have fun making your own ice cream! This easy recipe is perfect for kids to make because you don’t need an ice cream maker.

What activities do you have planned to keep learning fun this summer?

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