The reality of homeschooling is that it’s not all that different from real, everyday life. Life happens, plans go awry, and believe it or not, kids sometimes don’t willingly do all the things we ask of them. GASP! I know, who knew?

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And so, my introduction to Homeschool Planet – a cloud-based online homeschool planner – actually came at a very important time in our homeschooling journey.
My 12-year-old had adamantly outgrown my Waldorf-style, hands-on approach and was leaning toward a more independent learning style, which, when you think about it, isn’t that what we all want for our learners? After trying out Homeschool Planet for several weeks, I know that it is going to be our forever-planner solution to homeschool organization.
Making the Switch: Paper to an Online Homeschool Planner
For years, I was attached to the idea of homeschool paper planners; I’d buy the pretty designer versions, countless pens, stickers, washi tape, and everything in between in the hopes that “this year is going to be different.”
I’d envisioned spending my Sunday evenings planning and decorating, using up all of my supplies, and creating a beautiful plan book and homeschool portfolio. In my reverie, my learner would happily go along with everything I had so meticulously planned each week, and we’d live in homeschool and planner peace forever and always.
But, as mentioned, life had other plans. My young Waldorf kiddo was becoming a preteen and had his ideas of what (and how) he wanted to learn. So, my role over the last year became one of facilitating a learning environment in which he could express his individuality and explore his interests.
He doesn’t need (nor want, much to my chagrin) my input as much as he used to, so digital planning it is! I set up the weekly assignments, often with his input, plug in his online classes (because outsourcing some subjects is key) and we’re good to go! Here are 5 reasons we made the permanent switch to digital homeschool planning:
1. Provides For an Easily Customizable Homeschool Schedule
Homeschool Planet offers a comprehensive getting started guide, with both written and video tutorials to help you get started, so you can be off and running the minute you sign up! The first thing you’ll do when setting up your Homeschool Planet planner is set up your homeschool schedule.
Since we homeschool year-round, being able to plug in the dates we want to “do school” in advance was very helpful. It made me feel as though I had a better handle on how our upcoming year was going to go.
I was also able to mark off days that we would be taking breaks, or vacations as well. Once that’s complete, you can even customize the details within the planner by changing themes, color, and design; Homeschool Planet is fully customizable to your preferences – so again, if you like that whole “decorating your paper planner” thing, this will fill that gap!
2. An Online Homeschool Planner Saves Time
Using Homeschool Planet can help you save tons of time in a variety of ways. Scheduling is automated, and you can set reminders and track your learner’s progress. You don’t have to enter everything painstakingly by hand; just type once, click, and repeat on the days needed. Plus, Homeschool Planet includes lesson plan plugins for a variety of homeschool curricula. Simply purchase the plugin and it will automatically schedule the assignments into your student’s calendar!
For example, I was able to incorporate Evan-Moor Daily 6 Trait Writing lessons right into my son’s daily schedule; and if I need to move something around, it’s just a simple click to make a change. There are several Homeschool Planet Integrated Lesson Plan options available to streamline your homeschool planning.
The other time-saving feature is that with a blank canvas of a paper planner, for me, there was a lot of pressure to fill all of it out and make it look pretty. In reality, none of this matters, it was just a way to pass the time; and now, as a single, work-from-home mom, time is a hot commodity. If you love decorating your planner, I don’t blame you, right now, in this stage of my life though, it’s just not the priority it once was.
3. Excellent Option for On-the-go Homeschooling Families
Our family loves to travel; especially when it’s homeschool-related and we’re roadschooling or visiting special places from our lessons. And, of course, traveling with a larger family (as we were when I was homeschooling four learners) means more luggage, packing food and supplies and all the things; the last thing you need is to try to juggle a big, thick homeschool paper planner and all that comes with it, on vacation.
And when you are out and about, don’t forget to take advantage of all of the goodies your status as a homeschooling family allows! Homeschool Planet also provides a FREE Homeschool Identification Card which you can present at various locations for discounts and special offers!
Homeschool Planet digital homeschool planners offer unparalleled accessibility, allowing you to manage your homeschooling on the go. You can easily access your planner from any internet-enabled device, ensuring continuity in your child’s education regardless of location.

Don’t take my word for it though; you can try Homeschool Planet yourself today, free for 30 days, to see if it might be the right fit for you and your busy family!
4. Accessible Grades and Homeschool Transcripts
Having graduated three students; now through college and successful young adults, I understand how the idea of homeschooling the high school years can be daunting. One of the most-asked questions on the homeschool forums, after questions about socialization and the prom, is “What about transcripts?”
When I set out to pull together my learner’s transcripts about 8 years ago, it was a painstaking process of going through portfolios, lesson plans, paper planners, and Google Calendar to compile everything to ensure it aligned with what I wanted to represent on the transcript. I then had to submit the information to our homeschool accountability association so they could create an official transcript.
Thankfully, Homeschool Planet makes creating transcripts a breeze! You’re already entering the information into the cloud-based planner, Homeschool Planet organizes it for you into a comprehensive transcript with a few clicks! And, whether you’re a visual learner or prefer to read instructions, you’re covered. They offer step-by-step instructions so you can take “figure out how to create a transcript” off your homeschool to-do list!
5. Digital Planning Works For Our Needs
Homeschooling has truly been one of the most rewarding experiences of my life; I’ve enjoyed watching as my children explore, learn, and become the best version of themselves. What it boils down to is celebrating their individuality, providing assistance where necessary, and leaving them room to explore the world and their place in it.
For me, it was also important to let go of the preconceived notions I had about what my homeschool would look like through the years. Just because I wanted to continue a certain path for my child, doesn’t mean it was the best fit for him; by ditching the paper planner and all of the stickers and washi tape, and honing in on his needs and preferences, a digital planner was the best choice all-around.
I can plan to my heart’s content, adjust as necessary, and simply print off my learners’ assignments weekly. This way, he can take ownership of his work, my creative side feels better with something tangible in my hands and most importantly, the assignments are completed and everything is in order.
Homeschool Planet has been a win-win in our homeschool; give it a try FREE for 30 DAYS!

Marie Bentley is a homeschooling mom of four and freelance writer who loves to travel, and write about traveling. She and her family roadschool when they can and consider homeschooling an extension of everyday life.