Expand your learning horizons with this list of the ultimate homeschool field trips this year!
One of the greatest benefits of homeschooling is that you can take field trips or excursions any time you want. In fact, in homeschooling, those field trips can be an integral part of your curriculum – or they can be for just plain fun. After homeschooling for a decade, we’ve had our fair share of successful field trips and those that could definitely be considered a flop. It’s a tricky balance finding a trip that provides the educational experience that you want and the fun that your kids want.

These 10 field trips should be on your homeschool bucket list. They are packed with educational opportunities and filled with fun. I’ve included some suggestions for how you can integrate each trip into your lessons, but the possibilities are endless!
Happy homeschool field trip adventuring this year!
Fun Homeschool Field Trips
1. Take a Train Ride
Hop on a train and go for a ride! From historical local trains that teach about the past to high-speed trains that jet passengers from city to city, trains are an exciting way to teach kids about the evolution of transportation.
Integrate this field trip into lessons on speed, aerodynamics, transportation, westward expansion, goods, and services.
2. Go Skydiving
While jumping out of a plane may not be your cup of tea, there are national indoor skydiving facilities that let guests experience the thrill of skydiving in a controlled environment. While it may not be appropriate for the youngest homeschoolers, it’s great for upper elementary through high school.
Integrate this field trip into lessons on aerodynamics, velocity, centrifugal force, gravity, flight.
3. Try Rock Climbing
There is no field trip as challenging as one to an indoor rock-climbing gym. While climbing can be physically challenging, it’s been our experience that it’s more of a mentally challenging activity. It teaches problem-solving, creativity, self-awareness, and confidence. There’s nothing like watching your unsure child reach the top of the wall with a proud smile on his face after he was certain he couldn’t do it. Rock climbing builds confidence and resiliency – both of which are just as important as math and reading skills.
Integrate this field trip into lessons on physical education, safety, balance, muscles, rock formations, types of rocks, and climbing expeditions.
4. Head to Washington, DC
Our nation’s capital may be in your backyard or across the country, but either way, try to plan a trip to see it. Washington, DC is filled with free museums, monuments, and tours. If it’s a bit too far to travel, try visiting it virtually through live feeds from places like the Smithsonian’s National Zoo.
Integrate this field trip into lessons on history, government, politics, art, literature, and language.
5. Visit Your State’s Capital
State capitals are a great place to learn all about the history of your area. Government buildings, museums, and more are just waiting to be explored. Check ahead because many government buildings require tour reservations ahead of time – sometimes months in advance. Don’t forget to contact your local representatives before you go, as they will often have brochures and information to help plan your trip.
Integrate this field trip into lessons on state history, economy, government, politics, and voting.
6. Kick Your Shoes Off at the Beach
Whether you head to the ocean or to a beach at your favorite lake, this sandy field trip is an amazing way to spend the day. From exploring the water’s edge and watching the tides to cataloging wildlife and sketching the landscape, the beach offers kids a chance to breathe in the fresh air and decompress.
Integrate this field trip into lessons on oceans, tides and the moon, ocean wildlife, erosion, physical fitness, and art.
7. Take a Trip to the Science Museum
There are science museums in almost every major city and many smaller cities as well. They cover everything from flight to inventions and more. Be sure to check the science museum’s website before your field trip, as many have educational materials that you can download and use before, during, and after your visit.
Integrate this field trip into lessons on science, math, art, and navigation.
8. Visit a History Museum
History museums seem to be in every town and city, no matter what the size. From small museums that specialize in one aspect of history to large museums with intricate dioramas and lifelike replicas, there’s a museum for just about every aspect of history you’re studying or are interested in. If you can’t make it in person, visit the museum’s website, as many larger museums have interactive sites that virtually walk visitors through exhibits.
Integrate this field trip into lessons on history, science, math, and art.
9. Put on Your Painter’s Cap and Take a Trip to an Art Museum
Just like history and science museums, art museums run the gambit on genre and size. From large museums with entire galleries dedicated to famous artists to small museums that celebrate the art of different cultures, there’s no shortage of artwork to study, discuss, and admire.
Integrate this field trip into lessons on art, art history, math, science, and history.
10. Can’t Leave the House? Take a Virtual Field Trip!
When my kids were younger, there was inevitably always someone with a cold or sniffles during the colder months. Instead of dragging a sick child on a field trip, we went on a lot of virtual field trips to places like the San Diego Zoo and The International Space Station. Through live feeds, we were able to watch animals, see new places, and even experience the sounds and sight of the ocean waves at the beach. To find virtual field trips, simply look up the location where you’d like to visit and see if they offer a live feed or an interactive virtual display. You’ll be surprised how far you can travel without ever leaving your living room sofa!
Integrate this field trip into lessons on math, science, language arts, history, art, and more!
Need even more ideas for unique field trips for all seasons? Or tips and suggestions for planning field trips for groups? May this year be the year that your homeschool adventures begin!
Brandi Jordan is a former classroom teacher turned homeschooler. She’s also a certified youth and adult yoga instructor, personal trainer, and youth exercise specialist. When not creating things for her sites, she can be found hanging out with her three kids, hubby, and a menagerie of pets.