As homeschooling mamas, we’re constantly juggling our responsibilities, weighing curriculum options, and re-evaluating schedules and lesson plans.
Sometimes we’re doing all this while sorting laundry, watching the oven timer, and bouncing a toddler on our hips!
If your family is anything like mine, you’ll know that there are days that are amazing and filled with triumph when a concept “clicks” for your child. You’ll also know that there are days when the science project blows up and math assignments end in tears and leave you feeling like quitting the homeschool gig for good. And certainly, if you are a homeschooling mama reading this, you already know that homeschooling is not for the faint of heart!
But that doesn’t mean the hard days should break your spirit! If one of those gut-wrenchingly negative, no-good-very-bad homeschooling days is fresh in your mind, you’re not alone.
Sometimes a homeschooling mom just needs a few positive affirmations that remind her what she is doing for her little learners is wonderful, powerful, and precious.
I actually jotted down these little affirmations on a particularly tough day for me, and am sharing these in hopes that they will encourage another homeschooling, life-juggling mama like me.
The Best Positive Affirmations for Moms Who Homeschool
- I trust myself to be the best teacher for my child.
- I’m allowing my child to explore the world of learning at his or her own pace.
- My child’s learning environment is rich in variety, safety, and joy.
- I can set my own family’s schedule in a way that works best for us.
- I am a positive asset in my child’s life.
- I’ve gotten through hard days before, and I can do hard days again.
- I am gaining a wealth of knowledge alongside my children today.
- I am mom and teacher, parent and professional of my child.
- My children are learning to be kind, honest, and helpful individuals – even on days when math assignments don’t get done.
- I am not alone in this joy-filled but sometimes crazy ride of homeschooling!
These affirmations are designed to help you – yes, YOU, busy mama! – when it feels like nothing in your homeschooling world is going right.
Say these out loud to yourself on the tough days. Scribble one that speaks to you on a post-it between blog post editing and lesson planning. Take a screenshot with your phone of these right now!
Remember that this homeschooling journey you’re on is unique to you and your kids.
Be strong, be brave, and be positive, mama. I promise you won’t regret it.