Fun STEM Activities for Teens and Kids with ADHD

So often STEM curriculum for teens comes with a very thick textbook and a ton of desk time. Kids who have ADHD can really struggle with these curricula. Therefore, thinking outside the box is needed to keep your teen engaged, especially when their attention span is short. The ideas in science and math are vitally important to master; however, look for a curriculum with hands-on activities to help keep students engaged. These STEM activities for teens and kids with ADHD will inspire fun science learning.

Fun STEM Activities for Teens and Kids with ADHD

ADHD Teens Think Differently – This Is A Bonus

For many ADHD students, it is essential to be led by their interests. If they are passionate about a certain field of study, their passion will inspire them to keep exploring. Also, choose curricula that play to the kid’s strengths. ADHD teens, by nature, think differently; look at this as a bonus. Use highly visual material. Diagrams, graphs, and infographics of complex material are all better understood by the ADHD brain. Coming up with a good set of learning strategies for homeschooling a child with ADHD will help prevent homeschool burnout and frustration for everyone.

Engineering is a great way to include STEM in your homeschool since engineering and robotics projects are often hands-on and visual. This is perfect for engaging the ADHD mind. Engineering skills are also highly valuable to nurture in a Teen. Learning about the engineering design process teaches a variety of excellent skills. For middle school students, consider engineering projects using household items, which allow your child to tinker and learn at the same time. Additionally, you could do a project on simple machines, despite the name, the underlying physics are deeply profound. Making simple machines can be done easily at home with household items, like rubber bands, planks of wood, cardboard etc. A study of simple machines works well with studying Archimedes and Newton.

For many parents, the battle to limit video games can be a real struggle. Boys with ADHD are particularly susceptible to the draw of gaming. There are many Minecraft curriculums available to engage gamers educationally. Many of these curriculums can also be a gateway towards computer science, including game design.

However, one of the best things for a child and even a teen with ADHD is to get outside. 

Engaging STEM Activities for Teens 

Consider the physics of the roller coaster or skateboarding. Build a balloon car to learn about Newton’s Third Law of Motion. Do the egg drop challenge. Can you make a container for an egg so that when dropped from a great height it is not broken? This can be turned into a great challenge for the whole family! Make a solar oven in your backyard, this teaches concepts of solar radiation.

Study the natural environment outdoors. Teens can create nature journals, as well as younger learners. Look at the ecology of your neighborhood. Document the species and their abundance. Consider the geology of the area. Look for rocks and catalog the different types of rocks found.

Create a simple science experiment to learn about the scientific method. This is an important concept for teens regardless of the scientific discipline. This can be done with an easy STEM activity; for example, you could investigate different conditions for seed germination, and which are optimal. The key is that the student engages with each part of the scientific method and learns how to document the process in lab reports.

Take science on your summer vacation. Go star gazing as a family. This is a wonderful activity for kids of all ages, and it sparks wonder and delight in young minds. If your child has a particular love of science you may want to find STEM Summer Camps, however, check with the camp organizers how they would support your child’s unique needs.

Technology-Based STEM Activities for Teens

In our highly connected world, we are now able to access the best museums and zoos around the world. In the winter, and when the weather is bad, go on a virtual educational field trip. This brings variety to your day and is something different from the normal rhythms of your homeschool routine.

Fun STEM Projects Online

Learn through a fun project the UK initiative Crest Award has a comprehensive library of fun stem projects, which are all free to use. These cover all grades and various stem subjects. The great thing about the Crest Award project library, completion of these would count as credits for a high school transcript for high schoolers. They would also make excellent Science Fair projects.

Kids Who Love Space Want To Study Astronomy

The NASA website has a vast amount of hands-on activities for all grade levels. The NASA website’s learning activities are comprehensive and bring learning about the solar system and space as a whole to life. They also cover different disciplines from physics to earth sciences. For ADHD high school students, Astronomy resources can be found that suit their interests and are visual and hands-on, while enhancing the learning of various ideas in science.

Teach Chemistry with Molecule Kits

When teaching Chemistry, use molecule kits to turn a 2-D idea in a textbook into something visual and hands-on. Look for curricula that aid learning through experiments. You can make a homemade pH indicator from boiling red cabbage, and study neutralization, acids, and bases. Make crystals from borax or copper sulfate, these are particularly beautiful as they are a deep blue. Making crystals also teaches ideas about super-saturated solutions and molecular bonding. Activities that involve different types of chemical reactions, like endothermic and exothermic reactions also teach key skills.

Biology Experiments to Inspire Learning

Simple biology experiments that engage ADHD students can be done by investigating the human body. Consider measuring heart rate and recovery times after exercise, this can be done with the whole family. Who has the quickest recovery time? What about including their friends, can they identify any common trends that affect recovery time?

ADHD Thinkers Make Awesome Scientists

With ADHD students key things to look for when teaching STEM activities for teens with ADHD: keep activities hands-on, be interest-driven, and make things visual. ADHD thinkers make awesome scientists, with their out-of-the-box thinking. It may sometimes look messy, and weighty textbooks may not work; but the rewards of fuelling your ADHD’s mind with STEM are great.

Shannan Swindler

About the author

Shannan shares her passion for helping others use the world as their classroom at Captivating Compass. Her home base is in Scotland, where she home educates and learns on location throughout Europe as much as possible. She teaches online at Arise Home Education and creates digital curricula that promotes a Chrisitan worldview through creative learning and family travel experiences (in person & virtually).

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