iHomeschool Network

Shannan Swindler

Shannan shares her passion for helping others use the world as their classroom at Captivating Compass. Her home base is in Scotland, where she home educates and learns on location throughout Europe as much as possible. She teaches online at Arise Home Education and creates digital curricula that promotes a Chrisitan worldview through creative learning and family travel experiences (in person & virtually).

What to Look for in a High School Astronomy Curriculum

What To Look For in a High School Astronomy Curriculum

A high school astronomy curriculum can offer students the opportunity to embrace the wonders of the universe, develop critical thinking skills, and even pursue future careers in scientific fields. By fostering an understanding of astronomy that is both enriching and compatible with personal beliefs, educators and parents can encourage a new generation of young minds to reach for the stars. Let’s take a look at what makes a good astronomy curriculum for high school. 

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