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Homeschooling Boys

Homeschooling Boys? Four Things You Need to Know

Homeschooling is a grand adventure and homeschooling boys can be especially fun or frustrating – depending on your perspective.  As a homeschooling mother it’s vitally important to remember that boys are different as we learn how to work with the way they are wired! Thankfully, homeschooling allows us the flexibility to embrace this. So here are 4 things to keep in mind as you embark on this adventure.

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You Can Conquer Homeschool Burnout

You CAN Conquer Homeschool Burnout

Homeschool burnout is sometimes inevitable. And it’s not just part of the mid-year slump. It can hit at any time. I tend to burnout just a few weeks into the school year after our schedule has changed and we are getting back into a routine. January is generally a difficult time as most are recuperating from the holidays and battling “cabin fever” with colder days and less sunlight. And then there’s May, and you can literally smell the ocean and feel the sand in your toes. Is it just me or does it seem like May has 63 days? But here is what I want to tell you: take a deep breath. You can do this.

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