iHomeschool Network


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Homeschool Strewing

Homeschool Strewing

Just by itself homeschooling can make everyday learning rich and interesting, but homeschool strewing is the sprinkles on the cake! Strewing is allowing your child to discover something you have casually left out for them to find.

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You Are Who You Are

What lesson am I supposed to learn when I notice the things I’m bad at? …that I am sure not good at some things. HOWEVER, God gifted me (like He gifted you) in some other things. We are who we are. I am who I am. You are who you are. By God’s design. He created each of us moms (and each of our kids) with gifts to bless our family and community. He gave us weaknesses to help us grow in character and dependence on Him (and others).

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Pseudo Homeschooling 101- Freedom & the Future of Education

This is our 4th year homeschooling and I’m learning more and more every day how to enhance my children’s education as well as our home life. I call it “Pseudo Homeschooling.” We find what works best for every subject, remain flexible, and continue trying different things. I believe that exposing kids to as much as possible at an early age will encourage them to feel safe to ask questions and cultivate their natural curiosity about the world around them. So a big part of my job is to research opportunities that are creative, affordable, and inspiring for each child as a unique individual.

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3 Creative Ways to Prevent Burnout

I’m always super excited for the start of the school year and my kids are too. But by the time the holiday season rolls around, we are all a little tired. The kids get grumpy and complain that they have So Much To Do! I get grumpy and do not have the patience that I had earlier in the year. We tend to do less fun activities and more of the daily grind. It gets boring and we are all a little worn out.

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