iHomeschool Network


Eva Varga is a veteran homeschool mom with one graduate at university and her youngest dual-enrolled at the local community college. She is a former middle school science specialist now immersed full time as an ESL educator. Travel and authentic learning experiences are important to her family. She writes science curriculum and teaches both youth and professional development courses online.

Activities & Resources for Teens Interested in Engineering Careers

25 Activities & Resources for Teens Interested in Engineering Careers

The word engineer is derived from the Latin words ingeniare (“to contrive, devise”) and ingenium (“cleverness”). Today, engineering is one of the fastest growing industries in the world. In anticipation of Engineers Week next month, I’m delighted to share with you 25 activities and resources to help you teach engineering concepts to teens.

25 Activities & Resources for Teens Interested in Engineering Careers Read Post »

Worldschooling: Bringing the World into Our Homeschool

When we first started homeschooling, the most compelling reason was because we wanted to individualize our children’s education. As a former classroom teacher, I also wanted to shield them from the pressure of and emphasis on standardized testing. As they grew older and their interests diverged, we came to realize that the freedom to travel is now what we value most about homeschooling.

Worldschooling: Bringing the World into Our Homeschool Read Post »

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