iHomeschool Network

Tiffany Jordon

Tiffany Jordon is a self-proclaimed "lazy homeschooler." She loves teaching through board games, educational shows on Netflix and hands-on learning. Her goal is to make the very most of her time with her kids, so she's always doing fun things to make memories.

Indoor Activities that Won’t Break the Bank

Not much can boost a mood quite like getting outdoors and releasing some energy. But what about those days that you just can’t get outdoors? You might be snowed in, sick of the heat or just needing a relaxing day at home. If you’re not prepared, kids will quickly become bored, and transform into electronic zombies or fine-tune their meltdown skills. Lucky for you, we’ve rounded up 25 fun and easy indoor activities for kids. They’re certain to keep your kiddos happy and keep you sane, without ever leaving the house.

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