Summer is my favorite time of year! I love the weather, the break from sports, and, most importantly, I love ordering all my new school supplies and curriculum for the upcoming school year. My physical mailbox and email inbox are full of homeschool catalogs and sales for all the homeschool curriculum. Additionally, all the online homeschool companies send out information about all their new products and upgrades. What is there not to love about summer?! Today, I’m excited to share about one of the best online math curriculum companies out there!
I received this product for free, and I was compensated for my time. All opinions are my own, and I
was not required to write a positive review.
Online Math Programs for High School
CTCMath is a comprehensive homeschool online math curriculum. Starting with Kindergarten basics and continuing all the way through Algebra, Trigonometry, and Calculus, CTCMath has all your math needs covered! And you get access to all levels and all lessons, not just one!
Last year, my daughter wanted to try a new math curriculum, and while I was hesitant at first (I don’t like change), I could not be more thrilled with how well this past year went for us regarding math.
Personally, I love math. Math was always one of my best subjects; however, teaching concepts you no longer use in your everyday life – looking at you algebra – can prove difficult. I knew I wasn’t alone when I saw this tea towel in a local boutique shop.
Teaching homeschool math is no joke! But I can now tell you that I have found a way to teach it with no tears! My daughter used CTCMath for high school geometry this past year, and there were no tears! Not only were there no tears, but she excelled! I’m talking about a final grade of 94%!
With their step-by-step video lessons, CTCMath breaks down complex concepts into manageable pieces, making learning and retaining the material easier! Many of the instructional videos are under 4 minutes, teaching one concept at a time, allowing the student to learn it before moving on.
Homeschool Math Curriculum Online
Not only is CTCMath a great online math program for your students, but it is also great for you, the parent too! First, CTCMath is so affordable! Let’s be real; homeschooling costs can add up quickly – especially if you have multiple kids. Thankfully, CTCMath Homeschool Membership offers 1/2 price for homeschooling families. That is ALL your math needs for ALL your students for under $150.00! I love that it is one price, no matter how many kids you have using the program—such a huge benefit for larger homeschool families.
Additionally, as a parent, the resources and weekly progress reports that are emailed to me are fantastic. I have had problems before with not making sure my kids were staying on track with their math, but with the weekly progress report, I can easily see what lessons were completed, and the grades received. I can also sign in to my parent dashboard to view all lessons and progress at any time.
Free Trial and Extras
Don’t waste any more time checking out CTCMath! Sign-up for their Free Trial and see for yourself how fantastic it is! Want to see more? Check out their YouTube page or their Facebook group.
A few weeks ago, after my daughter finished her Geometry course, I asked her if she was happy with CTCMath and wanted to use it again next year. There was no hesitation – she enthusiastically said CTCMath for sure! Online math curriculum for the win! I’m so thankful for the confidence this past year has built, and look forward to another great year of math ahead!