25 Easy Random Acts of Kindness Ideas for Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving. There’s something special about a holiday that focuses on being thankful.

And by default, it also focuses on gratefulness, contentedness, happiness, and the well being of others. That’s probably why Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday. It’s a party that’s all about food and warm fuzzy feelings.

And yet, we all know that the holiday season isn’t happy for everyone. There is true pain and sorrow in this world. So, this Thanksgiving why don’t we work to give people something to be thankful about? Put the thanks in their Thanksgiving with random acts of kindness.

25 Easy Random Acts of Kindness Ideas for Thanksgiving

You don’t have to spend a lot of money. Most times, all that people need is a kind gesture or a little of your time. So, I’ve compiled a list of 25 Easy Random Acts of Kindness Ideas for Thanksgiving.

Remember, random acts of kindness are not just for those people we think deserve kindness. Kindness is for everyone. In fact, sometimes it’s the people who deserve it the least, that need it the most. Something small to you, may mean the world to them.

25 Easy Random Acts of Kindness Ideas for Thanksgiving

  1. Send an “I’m Thankful For You Because…” card. Better yet, have your kids sign or send a card.
  2. Invite them to share your Thanksgiving meal.
  3. Invite them over for dessert.
  4. Volunteer for a meal delivery service.
  5. Give that friend a ride to the airport, or wherever they need to go.
  6. Donate Thanksgiving food items (like pumpkin puree) to you local food bank.
  7. Rake leaves for the seniors in your neighborhood.
  8. Pay it Forward at the drive-thru (paying for the next person in line’s order).
  9. Babysit for a friend who needs a break, or time to prepare for her own Thanksgiving celebration.
  10. Forgive someone you have a grudge against – let it go for good.
  11. Send a thoughtful text.
  12. Make time to video chat with far away friends and relatives.
  13. Donate your air miles.
  14. Clean a friend’s house.
  15. Donate crayons and coloring books to your local hospital.
  16. Volunteer for reading time at your library or nursing home.
  17. Give a genuine compliment to the person waiting in line next to you.
  18. Leave quarters in the grocery store toy machines.
  19. Open your home as a place to stay for traveling friends, or family of friends.
  20. Let someone cut in line, or pull out in traffic, ahead of you.
  21. Leave the front parking spaces for others.
  22. Send a care package to someone serving overseas.
  23. Share the family recipe.
  24. Let someone help you – letting others feel useful is a huge gift.

It’s easy! Implementing simple ideas can make people feel very special, and give them something to be thankful for. It’s about sharing the love, and giving hope.

And, let’s be sure to carry out this mission of kindness within our families, not just with strangers. Let your kids know they’re loved and valuable too! Something simple as doing one of their chores, or renting their favorite movie gives them something to be thankful for.

What are your favorite random acts of kindness for Thanksgiving?

Cheryl Pitt

About the author

Cheryl is a happy wife, mother of four children and a grandma. She has been homeschooling since 2001. Cheryl is the proud founder of the 2:1 Conference. 2:1 is an annual event for bloggers who love Jesus and homeschool their children - it's known for being a welcoming and business-bolstering experience.

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