iHomeschool Network

Eureka Champs Online Coding Classes for Beginners| iHN Featured Favorite

Computer and IT (information technology) is a fast growing field, and one that you can introduce to your child as young as six years old through online classes like those at Eureka Champs.

“Overall employment in computer and information technology occupations is projected to grow 15 percent from 2021 to 2031, much faster than the average for all occupations; this increase is expected to result in about 682,800 new jobs over the decade.”

US Bureau of Labor Statistics

If web development and computer coding is foreign to you, don’t worry! You don’t need to be a coding expert to offer your kids this opportunity because programs like Eureka Champs online coding classes guide your kids’ through the very first steps of coding.

coding for beginners is easy with eureka champs

Coding for Beginners

Kids can start learning coding as early as 6 and Eureka Champs made sure this is done by experienced teachers that know how to keep kids engaged and help them at every step.

By taking advantage of the power of live classes, kids get real-time feedback and help so that they won’t feel frustrated or get stuck when coding. Eureka Champs also makes use of accessible and fun platforms that are available to bridge the gap between fun games and coding secrets.

What starts as a homeschool elective in the elementary years could end up being a well-paying career in their adult years. Coding is also one of those high-paying professions that doesn’t necessarily require a college degree.

“Our aim is to have happy children learning in a fun filled relaxed atmosphere.”


VIDEO CREDITS: Gathered and Grounded, A Touch of Homeschooling, Homeschooling 4 Him, That Homeschool Family

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Features of Eureka Champs

Eureka Champs delivers high-quality live coding classes for young kids that want to learn the secrets of coding in a fun, interactive way.

  • live classes
  • experienced teachers
  • suitable for 6-10-year-olds
  • small classes of 2-4 students
  • safe environment
  • full 1-hour FREE trial class (no credit card required)
  • engaging platforms kids love
  • hands-on coding for beginners

*No credit card required; no hidden fees.

Expert Teachers

Eureka Champs carefully selects the instructors to be not only knowledgeable but also to have the ability to bond with the student. iHN parents were thrilled to see their kids interact with genuine teachers that love what they do and love teaching it to kids.

“I was doubtful that Bear would enjoy it, but he instantly began interacting and engaging with the teacher! […]

The expert teacher was able to help Bear understand coding basics in just a few minutes.”

– Tiffany, Homeschool Hideout

“Eureka Champs’ experienced teachers walk your child through the course content with a direct look at your child’s screen while providing real-time feedback. […] Eureka Champs teachers […] give each child the attention needed to truly learn how to code and design games while having fun in their class.”

– Heidi, The Curriculum Choice

The best thing about the Eureka Champs Online Coding Class was the teacher! She was fun, enthusiastic, and engaging.”

– Lynna, Your Large Family Homeschool

“Having the Eureka Champs teacher put the effort into getting to know my child really makes them stand out from other online class providers in such a positive way.

[…] My son really enjoyed himself […].”

– Elizabeth, That Homeschool Family

No Parent Involvement

Eureka Champs live classes don’t require any previous tech knowledge because the teachers take care of everything. Parents don’t need to have coding experience or do any prep work for the lessons.

“[…] I didn’t need to do any planning or preparation, and I could even step away from the computer to work with my daughter or fold laundry while my son completed his lesson independently.

I love that I don’t need to have any coding knowledge myself […].”

– Sarah, Homeschooling 4 Him

“I’m glad they can go to these Eureka Champ classes and have a professional give them the structured learning that they need to grow their programming skills in a fun environment.”

– Cynthia, Inside Our Normal

“I love that I didn’t have to do anything but sit back and let her attend her class. Considering I know next to nothing about coding, it was a relief to just sit back and let her do her thing.”

– Candice, A Touch of Homeschooling

Kids Love Eureka Champs

The best feature of Eureka Champs Online Coding Classes is that they give confidence to kids starting out on the coding path. Coding for beginners isn’t easy, but experienced teachers manage to open the door to further curiosity and exploration through these live classes.

“I was absolutely shocked with how quickly they were able to get us set up and on to the fun stuff! My daughter had so much fun learning and interacting with the teacher. […]

My daughter was so excited after her class to show me the game she made. She even continued playing in the systems after the class ended.”

– Ashlee, Gathered and Grounded

Kiera genuinely loved it.

The small class size and individualized help made learning new skills stress-free and fun for my daughter.

[…] most importantly, Kiera loved the class and immediately told me she wanted to do more.

And that’s really the best testimonial of all.”

– Judy, Meaningful Homeschooling

” For those who understand the importance of and impact that a live teacher can have on a student’s understanding, enthusiasm, and development, Eureka Champs is definitely the way to go!

[…]They make learning how to code something kids look forward to and get excited about.

– Brandi, Mama Teaches

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