Getting sidetracked with stuff is hard to do when everything you need to live and homeschool with has to fit into just two cases. When we prepared to live in South America, I learned the value of time-saving tricks to trim my homeschool morning routine.
Look at these 10 time-saving homeschool morning routine hacks.
ONE/ Organize it and then let it go!
When I moved overseas I learned that forced parting with curriculum was a huge motivator to trimming down my curriculum further. Just because I have the room in my home to store extra curriculum doesn’t mean I should.
By having fewer books to sort through in the morning you’re able to quickly begin school.
TWO/ Put every item in a place. Yes it takes time to set up storage places, but the payback is immense.
Instead of jumping headlong into a new homeschool year focused just on the curriculum, take time to create a space to put all of the homeschool paraphernalia.
When notebooks, ear buds, pens, pencils, map colors, rulers, devices and papers are put away on shelves, in bins, rolling carts or drawers labeled with each child’s name and homeschool subject, finding it in the morning is a cinch.
THREE/ Limit breakfast to three or four choices and rotate them.
We love breakfast time and maybe it’s because we are morning people that we love that time together as a family. However, curbing my cooking tendency to prepare a breakfast buffet in the morning keeps the start to our day simple.
Rotating a few simple breakfasts is key to avoiding morning madness.
FOUR/ A schedule is a must-have.
Just the thought of a schedule can make some homeschoolers feel trapped.
However, creating a homeschool schedule that you can stick to has just the opposite effect.
Essentials for an Organized Homeschool Routine
When kids know with predictability that school starts at 9:00 a.m. sticking to that time becomes effortless.
FIVE/ Listen to your inner clock.
Let’s just face it. Not everybody is a morning person and some families do better by waiting to begin school until later.
Don’t waste precious morning hours because they are still part of your day.
Flip your priorities and have a routine of doing things in the morning that are less important but that will free up time later on when your school begins.
SIX/ Teach your kids to get up with their own alarm clock.
Going through different seasons of homeschooling, there were many years I wished my kids would sleep later.
That time passed quickly and I learned that I don’t need to spend half of my precious morning time, which should be peaceful, trying to wake my kids.
By not spending time arguing with or cajoling your kids, you take back time in the morning.
SEVEN/ Prepare snacks the night before.
When the kids were little, I prepared snacks in small bags the night before and placed them where my kids could reach them.
Not being interrupted while I was teaching one or two kids even if it was just 15 minutes added up during the week. It gave me more time to focus on each child’s needs.
Avoid Nighttime Drama
EIGHT/ Have a nighttime routine.
I have friends who’ve spent many evenings trying to get their little kids in the bed at the same time every night.
I learned later that my friend was a night owl and the problem was not the kids at all. My friend came alive at night and was ready to tackle chores. Her kids also figured that out.
Whatever time your family goes to bed, a regular nighttime routine is necessary. Sleeping well each day and not necessarily more is key to tacking the next morning stress-free.
A lack of a regular sleep hour for kids, even if your family goes to sleep later affects kids in the morning. Concentration skills may not be poor at all, but may be because of a lack of sleep.
Keep a regular nighttime routine to ease into a smooth morning routine.
NINE/ Save social time for later.
I would never discourage you from reading blog articles because for some homeschoolers it is the only support they get.
But, social time can steal moments in the morning which should be saved for your family.
I’m now down to homeschooling one child and have more time in the morning than I have had for 19 years. It’s easy now to wake up, have time for reading and chores and then share on social media.
Don’t give up time on your devices, but postponing it even by 30 minutes in the morning gives you time to do important things first.
TEN/ Don’t schedule every moment.
Though a schedule is a must-have, over scheduling your morning is a huge mistake. Don’t begin your day with stress.
Teaching requires nurturing your children and that means your time is needed. Trim your morning to find time for what is really important.
Keeping choices to just a few in the morning gives your day a saner start.