Should You Send Your Homeschooled High Schooler to Public School?

Now that my oldest child is in high school, I’m getting bombarded with the “he needs to be in a public school setting” issue yet again! This is despite the fact that we’ve proven to the well-meaning family members how much of a positive difference home education has been for him through the years.

As usual, the normal qualifying factor that they are basing this request on is the fact that he needs to be around kids his own age to help him deal with his development issues. I am holding steadfast to my decision not to send him to a public school.

Should You Send Your Homeschooled High Schooler to Public School

Here are three cons to sending a homeschooled high schooler to public school. 

1. Socialization

Socialization is hailed as one of the greatest advantages of schools. The sad fact is that in our society today, students don’t actually gain much socialization time in a school setting. The socialization that they do gain is not always a positive experience.

In my own personal life, while I had close friendships in high school, they ended the day I graduated from high school because we all had different paths that we wanted to take with our lives. Mind you, I still talk with them from time to time and have connections with them on Facebook, but it’s not like those friendships made me into the person I am today.

To be frank, there are very few kids in the public school system that I want my kids to be influenced by. I know how valuable high school years can be for a person. These are the years that can make or break a person’s well-being.

2. Greater Threats

While I would like to say that sending my son to a public school now that he’s older doesn’t hold as much of a threat to his well-being, I actually feel it holds a GREATER threat than it did when he was in elementary school.

Now kids contend with weapons, drugs, and dangerous influences, including mental influences. In the school district we live in, those are all issues that happen almost DAILY! I can’t begin to tell you the number of bomb threats that have been placed on the best school in our area.

3. Lack of Proper Education

While I do fear constantly that my kids aren’t learning everything they will need, I’m confident in the fact that they are garnishing all of the necessary skills they need for LIFE. If nothing else, my kids know exactly how to find the answers they need from a vast array of resources.

I have also noticed that teachers aren’t teaching to ensure students are physically learning anything. They teach to make it so the students can score well on their standardized testing. They don’t have time to help a child explore their natural talents in-depth. Oftentimes, even that little bit of knowledge gets lost in the disturbance of a classroom.

For me personally, this is the biggest advantage my high school student has as a homeschooler. He is able to spend more time on subjects that he is truly interested in learning. Plus, he can go to our local college and gain dual credits for pursuing the degree he wants to use. This is the only form of public school I’m considering for my high school son because I feel that it is the right avenue for me to make.

Yet again, I’m dealing with the homeschooling critics because he’s in another stage of life. While I do want him to have more chances to make solid friendships, I do not feel sending him to public school is the answer for us. I can think of a long list of other ways to help him have the chance to make friends.

What are your reasons for not allowing your high schooler to go to public school?

Crystal Green

About the author

Crystal Green is a southern wife and homeschooling parent who seeks to help women pursue their passions while making every moment count. She aims to help you have more time for what matters most to you, such as your family, friends, and your own self-care. She looks forward to connecting with you and helping you improve your daily life.

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  1. I have given my son the option of attending a public high school but he objects to going. He loves being able to do school at home. I think well meaning family members sometimes need to hear a firm "No! Please stop asking!" I've had to do that with my own family members. They give me funny looks when they see us now but no questions. Thankfully. I'm polite and friendly with them either way. Thanks for sharing your reasons for not sending your children to a public high school. They are well thought out and I agree with all of them. Have a wonderful weekend!

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